Well, it was bound to happen, BAD, and I mean BAD slice through the finger with the chef's knife. Today is the beginning of week 8. We had a three day weekend (bank holiday, still can't figure out what these bank holidays are all about; this is the second one since I began the course and they don't seem to be in correlation with any type of celebration i.e. Memorial Day etc.) I'm in the same kitchen as last week...my fourth kitchen; but at a new station with a new partner. Huge window at this station which turned out to be not so great. Lots of sun, glaring off every shiny surface, couldn't see very well and oops, right through the finger. Thank goodness for nails because it truly saved the tip of my finger. The instructor wrapped it with the bright blue bandages we use. The color is such so that a bandage doesn't end up in the food...yuk when you think about it! I put on a plastic glove and proceeded with the days cooking...Italian Beef Stew (really good, flaky pastry (to die for literally, a full 1/2 pound of butter is in it), and Rumbledethumb which is mashed potatoes with cabbage. Didn't have time to think about the finger again until I got back to the house tonight. Took off the bandage and thought I was going to pass out...got light headed, pale, pulse racing! Had to go lay down...no sympathy from Tom, he had done the same thing early in our trip! In reality, it truly isn't that bad...and what would a "cooking boot camp" be without a war wound!
P.S. Erin arrived on Friday, it was so great having her here. She's up in Dublin for the month...the pictures above are from the weekend! The pictures were taken in Ballycotton a darling village about 15 minutes from here. The Blackbird is our favorite pub in the area.